17 insights Crypto 2024 report


17 insights Crypto 2024, the legendary report

While it's exclusively available to Pro users in early access, 17 insights that will make you confident that 2024 will be the year of opportunities

17 insights Crypto 2024, the legendary report

If you're a Pro user, read the original paper. Otherwise, stay tuned for the publicly available version. This is a must-read for everyone.

A summary ↓
#1: Bitcoin is still a good buy, even after the latest surge in price. #2: The Bitcoin rally comes first, then altcoins boom.

#3: 100x for $BTC is 2024? Unlikely. But it could easily outperform other established asset classes once again in 2024. #4: $ETH = investing in a company like JP Morgan or Visa. $BTC = "digital gold “pure play. Bitcoin WILL keep outperforming ETH.

#5: While BTC and ETH may currently dominate the market, their positions are not unassailable in the long term. #6: Pro NFA tip: Monitor the liquidity list from Kaiko and rebalance it quarterly. Buys: Liquidity > Mcap. Sells: Liquidity < Mcap.

17 insights Crypto 2024, the legendary report

#7: Funds to watch:
. #8: AI x Crypto narrative

#9: DePIN (Physical Infrastructure Networks), DeSoc (Social Media), and DeSci (Science) are the narratives to watch. #10: A few projects from the list of top-10 products of 2024:
, and more.

#11: Proto-danksharding could lead rollup transactions to become as cheap, if not cheaper, than alt-L1s. Bullish for Ethereum rollups. #12: Modular architecture is the new "How-To" #13: Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) narrative is yet to explode as an alternative to ZK.

17 insights Crypto 2024, the legendary report

#14: Lightning might finally take off. #15: If you’re going to watch one sector in DeFi this year, it should be the Perp DEXs. #16: Synthetix, Drift, and Jupiter might be strong alternatives to dYdX. #17: Web3 monetization will become the dominant business model in gaming.

17 insights Crypto 2024, the legendary report

This is just scratching the surface of the insights provided by Messari's Crypto Theses report. And let me emphasize once again, this is THE ONLY paper you need to read from beginning to end to prepare for 2024.