"It's definitely not a religion... I hope there is no harm to BTS" Dan World denies involvement with Hive


Meditation company Dan World denied allegations of involvement with Hive, the agency of BTS, and announced legal action.

Dan World released the ‘Official Entry Trailer’ video on the YouTube channel on the 2nd.

Meditation company Dan World denied allegations of involvement with Hive, the agency of BTS, and announced legal action.

In the video, Dan World opened up by saying, “As the battle over the truth between the agency Hive and Adore CEO Min Hee-jin continues, the controversy over the involvement of the meditation company Dan World is suddenly emerging.”

He continued, “Dan World Co., Ltd. clearly states that this controversy over involvement is groundless and plans to take strong legal action against acts of defamation, business interruption, and economic loss caused by the indiscriminate spread of fake news slandering Dan World.”

He said, “Dan World is not unrelated to Dangun’s founding ideology. However, it is absolutely not a religion,” he said, adding, “I sincerely hope that the BTS members who graduated from Global Cyber ​​University will not suffer any damage due to vain and false information.”

The 3-minute explanation video is titled 'Trailer', so it appears that the position will be further revealed later.

Meditation company Dan World denied allegations of involvement with Hive, the agency of BTS, and announced legal action.

Meditation company Dan World denied allegations of involvement with Hive, the agency of BTS, and announced legal action.

As the battle continued between Hive and Min Hee-jin, CEO of its subsidiary Adore, suspicions arose that Hive was connected to a pseudo-religious group. Then, Dan World, which was designated as a pseudo-religious organization, announced its position on this day.

Previously, Global Cyber ​​University also said, “It is legally and administratively separated from religious facilities or corporations of specific organizations and does not operate religious facilities or classes within the university.” “Nevertheless, some malicious netizens say, ‘Global Cyber ​​University is related to the corporation. “They are causing confusion by spreading untrue rumors such as ‘It is a religious university’ or ‘It holds classes on religious activities.’”

The school said, “We are collecting evidence to take strong legal action against those who spread slanderous videos and malicious posts. “We will not sit idly by and take strong legal action against posts that disparage the university, its students, and its alumni with incorrect information,” he warned.